Stop Beating Yourself Up and Feel Amazing Now
“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.” -Captain Jack Sparrow
Beating yourself up is a waste of energy. Let’s stop doing it. Use this simple yet deep exercise to excavate the source of your self-loathing so you can free yourself from it.
I want you to enjoy the cake, the wine, the shopping, the sex – and stop judging yourself for living life.
Whenever you start beating up on yourself, use The Four Facts exercise, taught to me by my beloved, late Great Aunt Jeanne. She’s smiling with us, I can feel it.
For the worksheet, join The Boundless Heart Premium:
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Join the Premium Membership with Pleasure Coaching and you’ll step into the most powerful support sisterhood you can imagine, and one big giant shift!
Prefer to work 1:1? Contact LC at with the subject, coaching.
Packages and 1-time sessions available.
Until next time, Eat the Cake, Drink the Wine, Buy the Thing, Have the Sex, and don’t give up on your life. Your dreams give hope and offer light.